5 Reasons the Saturday Only class is great!

  1. 11.01.AnatomyClass.MuscleModelingYou have more time between classes to absorb information.

    The Saturday Only class meets just one day a week. This means students have more time to not only absorb the theoretical parts of the curriculum, but they have more time to practice and develop their hands-on skills as well!

  2. You can keep your job and go to school!

    By having class only one day a week, Saturday, you can keep your full time job while you are in school to start your new career in Massage Therapy!

  3. It only takes 1 year

    In 1 year, you give yourself the opportunity to begin a new career in a field that is flexible, rewarding, and challenging. Think about it? This time next year, you will be about to start your new career as a Massage Therapist! Wow!

  4. The Saturday Only class has AMAZING teachers

    Instructors Christopher Fritel and Kazuko DeVirgilio are experts in massage therapy. Together they will provide you a comprehensive education in anatomy & physiology, practical hands-on massage work, business, and more!

  5. This class schedule is offered only ONCE a year!

    Don’t miss out!

The March Saturday Only class starts March 14, 2015. CLICK HERE to learn more today!