Incorporating the Breasts and Chest into Your Massage

Learning to Massage the Breasts

When I teach Incorporating the Breast and Chest, I feel blessed by the experience, and delighted by students’ positive response. Upon experiencing the work for the first time, students often comment that it “feels so good”, “natural”, even “uplifting,” and are often surprised to report that there is nothing “sexual” or “weird” about the work they received. They marvel over less shoulder and neck tension, more range of motion, easier breathing, and more overall relaxation and emotional lightness than they ever thought possible.  

So, if all of the above wonderful things are true, why don’t most LMTs learn to do breast massage in school? Why aren’t more of us seeking continuing education in this particular “uncharted” area? During our training, many of us were strictly taught to avoid this area . . . so how do we approach it now, having had no practice? Is it legal in my state? What guidelines must I follow? Clients, on the other hand, may not even know breast massage exists, even if it would benefit their issues. If they do know about breast massage in general, they may not know what type of work they need or how to ask for it.

What You Will Learn in This Class

During class we will address all of those concerns. One of the primary goals of this training is to demystify and normalize working on the breast/chest and to address the fear, shame, and lack of knowledge that prevents us from treating the area respectfully, thoughtfully, and responsibly. 

First, the anatomy, ethics, rules, and regulation portions of the class give you the information you need to confidently and lawfully perform breast massage. Second, the routine and hands-on practice give you an immediate massage routine to either use on its own, or incorporate into the type of massage you already do. Many of my students leave already excited about weaving what they have learned into their own sessions.

My Own Breast Massage Story

I began doing breast massage in 2016, and began teaching breast massage classes in early 2022. I decided to get the training, firstly, because I like having a broad skill set and a large tool box. I believe in what I think of as broad “body geography” in terms of massage—of being able to offer healing touch wherever pain and dysfunction occur. By utilizing the skills, I learned, I was able to treat clients for a myriad of issues, from reducing neck/shoulder pain and increasing breath capacity/vocal power, to reducing tension caused by chronic respiratory issues and even lessening the severity of panic attacks.  

Teaching this class has given me the opportunity to share this amazing work, and it is my hope that so many LMTs receive such training, that massaging the breasts and chest becomes a normal inclusion to overall therapeutic massage. I can only hope that my own students find this this work to be as beautiful and useful as I do. Â