by Jim McCormick

CLIENT: MALE, 45, Engineer, healthy



The client didn’t specify exactly what doubt he wanted to get rid of. He was not really open to doing a lot of processing about it verbally. When he asked for that frame I immediately had a lot of doubt. Could I really deliver on that request? Was Zero Balancing really able to help clients in that way? I hadn’t really done it before.

I debated internally whether to accept this frame as the final goal for the session, and finally decided to go ahead with that as the frame, despite my reservations.

I began the session in the typical ZB way evaluating the body sitting and what I found was unremarkable. I certainly had no clue about how to help his doubts.

However, when I went to his feet to do what we call a half moon vector I was astonished. I began to feel or sense energy pockets or energy patterns within the energy field of his overall body/mind that had a signature of doubt. The overall field had patterns like the silvery light of the moon on the sea at night. Within that field were different areas were darker and less clear. It hit me that these were the areas of doubt. They caused me to read “doubt” like you would if you were talking to a person who had doubt – there was an vibration particular to that emotion. As I went through the Zero balancing protocol working with the whole body I felt many such areas.

Having not had that experience before, I wasn’t sure, but I decided to act as if these denser, different areas were in fact where his doubt was residing in his body and in his energy field. When I put “fulcrums” through these areas, or put traction to pull energy through these areas, the quality of the patterns changed. The difference between these areas and other areas of the body lessened. The whole field felt smoother and more congruent and coherent, and more uniformly lit up..

By the time I finished we hadn’t said a word, but I felt his system was much easier, lighter, and more integrated. He came off the table and felt lighter and clearer and over the next days continued to feel clearer and to experience less doubt.

What was most remarkable about the session was not even so much this particular outcome, but the learning I experienced from doing the session. From that day forward I started to pay more and more attention to the quality of the blockages that I found in people’s body. I learned that I could feel the signature of any emotion or any sensation in their bodies. Each emotion and sensation had a particular energetic signature which was unique and which I could learn to read.

If I found a place of held or blocked energy in someone’s body, I began to feel more deeply and more curiously into the vibration. I paid more careful attention without trying to change it. Just to be with it. I would ask myself, or ask their system, “What is the emotion or sensation being held there.” Trying to feel what the emotion was. Fear had a very different vibratory quality than anger or than grief. Initially I started paying attention to the major emotions, (fear, grief, anger, joy) as they were the strongest and clearest, and therefore the easiest to feel. After some time I realized any sensation that a person might be experiencing could be felt through it’s own unique vibration. If someone had indecision; agitation; indifference; guilt; lack of motivation and many others, all of these sensations showed up in their energetic field and could be identified and then worked with by me as the practitioner.

Sometimes this meant just continuing to do the bodywork – but maybe with a different quality to my touch. If someone had fear, I might continue to work in the same places and do very similar treatments but I might do it with a very different quality of touch. I learned that not only could I “read” an emotion in someone through my hands, I could give an emotion with my hands. I might touch with the same quality anyone would use if you were to pick up a small frightened child you wanted to comfort – you would hold them in such a way that they felt safe and secure. So for an adult client with fear I would do the fulcrums with that quality of touch and found that it created much greater positive change in the client. Clients with major fears calmed down, without ever saying anything to them about their fear.

On the other hand, sometimes this opened up a whole new avenue of healing for the person. I might say to them: “I can feel a sensation in your body – I think it is fear. Are you feeling afraid?” One early person I said that to replied, “Only a mountain of it.” This led a huge outpouring of feeling and tears from her. We had a long conversation we’d never had before about her fears and this led to major changes in her for that session but also over time. The possibility of verbally processing emotions discovered through the body/mind connection via touch opened much deeper avenues of healing and change for people and led me to work in very different ways.

And, this was but one of hundreds of such sessions where the person’s experience is palpable in their body and in their field and working with this vibration takes a person way beyond helping their reported symptom to helping them connect to their core selves and grow personally.

So, the request that I help someone with their doubt, led to major revisions in how I worked and how much more I was able to help clients. This continues to be a major way of working – and allows the same Zero Balancing protocol to be performed in many different ways that mirror both the physical and the emotional experience of the client and actually help them progress faster and deeper in their lives.

Learn more at the Touching the Whole Person – An Advanced Zero Balancing workshop with Jim McCormick on Thursday – Sunday, October 30 – November 2. CLICK HERE to register today!