Don’t learn more about massage!
Don’t learn more about massage or bodywork!
Can you imagine anyone believing that?
What do we get from advanced learning?
- Better results with our clients.
- The skill level needed for self-employment
- More client retention
- More alleviation of pain
- More effective release of physical tension
- More healing from past psychological stress and trauma
- More delight in our work because we’re stimulated by new knowledge and new techniques
- Less boredom
- More economic success
- More stability
- More freedom to enjoy life beyond work!
- Better self-care
- Emotional growth that accompanies advanced learning
- Greater longevity as a therapist
- The deep fun of being in a community of advanced learners
- The joy of learning from teachers with 20+ years experience who are devoted to sharing their knowledge and experience
Do you love learning? Act on it! Enroll in our Advanced Clinical Training that begins November 7.
Click here to apply today!