Ezekiel, the Pleasure of Teaching Massage…and dem bones
I’m coming to Maine to teach Deep Massage on September 28-30 at the Downeast School of Massage.
I was just thinking about what is it that I find so exciting about teaching – especially in the intensity of workshops.
Well it is just like a massage.
I try to get a sense of the people in the class.
Set a pleasant, safe atmosphere with music and easy conversation.
Determine, even though the “skeletal” organization of the workshop is a given, what emphases may be made on the basis of the individuality of who is here.
I am filled with curiosity for where this all may lead. Even though I have an overall idea of the content – how it will express itself uniquely in this new context is always an overall delight and surprise.
Then we begin going into each part of the body and knowledge. Finding the tight spots in mind, body and spirit. Watching the “aha’s” as bodymind learning takes place.
Watching the parts align into a deeper sense of being a whole, cooperative organism/community.
Having new discoveries as we proceed – sometimes changing the timing or the underlying themes of the session.
Then toward the end, one senses a movement toward completion and a deeper ease settles in. I hope the effects will assimilate into the lives I/we’ve touched. I have faith we made a difference.
For me so much of what bodywork and its teaching does for our community and individual recipients/students is evoked by the famous passage from Ezekiel.
In it he sees a valley of dry bones. He wonders if they can live. Then God has breath enter them, then sinews, then flesh, then they come together bone-to-bone and finally they stand up on their feet.
Now that’s a good class! That’s a good session! I can’t wait to teach again!
Here’s a video of an inspiring anatomy workshop I taught some years ago.
Dem Bones with the Lennon Sisters – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HRGDdW3ZNo
‘hope to see you in Maine! 🙂 David