Non Self-Centered New Year’s Resolutions
“The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society – more briefly, to find your real job, and do it.” – Charlotte Perkins Gilman
It’s interesting that New Year’s resolutions are usually so self-centered. We take it for granted that it’s about my resolution to be more creative, lose weight, exercise more, etc.
However, what about your relationship to the world around you? Could it be your relationship to others is more or at least equally important than that to yourself?
In bodywork, we teach about interface. Interface means going for just the right touch relationship with your client. A touch at interface is one where the pressure is just right and the movement feels wonderful. Interface is also about energy, about whether the client feels the appropriate respect, emotion and thoughtfulness in the touch.
What if we each did our resolutions this year focused more on the right functional relationship to society, on being at interface with the world?
How would you “touch” the world? What would you touch it with?
How does your job touch the world? How could you enhance that this year?
I will be meditating and asking myself these questions in the days to come. I am inspired by Anne Frank, who said, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
It is to this spirit that I’ll be dedicating my blog. I will also look at expanding ways to support our school’s staff, students and graduates benefiting their communities.
And I look forward to more insights in the days to come. I challenge each of you – what inspired resolutions can you make to improve the world (as well as your own life)?
Krishnamurti said, “If six people would totally cooperate the world would be instantly transformed.”
I extend my hand in cooperation with you.