Posts Tagged ‘senior massage’
Helping People: Cancer, Senior & End of Life Massage
One of the most common reasons we hear people say they are interested in a career in massage therapy is that they want a career that helps people. This series will look at how massage therapy can help, what we as therapists refer to as, special populations. This article will cover oncology massage, senior massage…
Read MoreSenior Massage – Not Just for Old People
by Mary Duval The seniors are coming – be prepared! The baby boomers started turning 65 in 2011. Every day since then more than 7000 baby boomers have reached 65 and this will continue until 2030, when all baby boomers are 65 or older. This is a growing population and even if you do not…
Read MoreSenior Massage – Not Just for Old People
by Mary Duval The seniors are coming – be prepared! The baby boomers started turning 65 in 2011. Every day since then more than 7000 baby boomers have reached 65 and this will continue until 2030, when all baby boomers are 65 or older. This is a growing population and even if you do not plan to…
Read MoreWhat is Massage for Seniors?
by Mary Duval I have found that when I tell people I do senior massage, they immediately equate “senior” with “frail old person”. Sometimes people think I’m brave to work with this population and they don’t know that they’d feel comfortable doing it. What I have experienced, however, is that senior does not mean old and frail. Many…
Read MoreMassage CE: Massaging Seniors
By Peggy Rouh, LMT, MTI, PhD Seniors are the most appreciative massage client group you will ever encounter. Everyone loves a massage. Just as with babies, touch for seniors is integral to their well being. Also as we age, the opportunity for caring touch diminishes. Research shows that nurses in hospitals touch seniors less often…
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