Online CE: Putting the Soul Back in the Body

Look more deeply at human anatomy – in an inspired way – right where you are right now!

an Online Study written by David Lauterstein, MTI, LMT
6 CE hours
$70 in full, by PayPal only


Medical Self-Care Magazine says, “Putting the Soul Back in the Body makes a dry subject surprisingly juicy.”

Putting the Soul Back in the Body gives you:

  • A PDF of the book Putting the Soul Back in the Body: A Manual of Imaginative Anatomy for Massage Therapists.
  • Details about the kinesiology and postural impact of the 30 most important muscles in the human body.
  • Insight about the roles these muscles play in human lives –  not just about a muscle’s mechanics.
  • How and why your massage techniques may result in dramatic positive physical and energetic changes for clients.
  • A renewed appreciation for the wonders of human anatomy.

By completion of the reading, a quiz and anatomy homework, you will assure yourself and us of having had a successful and inspiring experience in this course! We hope, with deeper anatomical insight, you will enjoy an even greater enthusiasm in your practice and achieve greater benefits for your clients. You will receive a TDSHS approved certificate for this CE.

David Lauterstein, BA (Music Composition), LMT, Cert. ZB, TLC School Co-Director, MTI has been in massage and bodywork practice since 1977 and has become one of the most highly respected international educators in the massage therapy realm. He regularly teaches in England and throughout the U.S since 1982. He is the author of the book, Putting the Soul Back in the Body: A Manual of Imaginative Anatomy for Massage Therapists, numerous articles on the philosophy and practice of massage and bodywork, and is the former editor of the national magazine, Massage Therapy Journal. He is certified in Structural Bodywork and in Zero Balancing and is the founder of Deep Massage: The Lauterstein Method. He is a faculty member of the Zero Balancing Health Association. His background prior to massage therapy was in philosophy and music composition (BA, U of Illinois, 1972).