Myofascial Techniques for the Thorax and Diaphragms

with Liz Hoffmaster

Sunday, November 16, 2014
6 CE hours
**10% discount for TLC students/grads**

Myofascial Techniques for the Thorax and Diaphragms will include instruction in fascial release for thorax, diaphragm, shoulder, and pelvic girdle; and introduction to Chapman’s reflexes and breathing experiments. It will be a combination of lecture and lab. You will learn new tools to help clients with chronic tension in the body. You will experience fascinating breathing drills for self care.

This class will change the way you see your body and your client’s body. You have in you the potential to be a much better, more relaxed human being at work and play, and the secret lies in the way you breathe and where you hold your tension. Most of us over breathe, creating internal stress and muscle tension that is surprising in its breadth and impact. You will learn the anatomy and physiology behind these patterns that plague all of us and techniques to correct them.

As you find these issues in you own body, you will sharpen your observation skills and learn to determine where to most effectively apply soft tissue work to enhance the client’s respiration.

By the end of the class you will feel yourself in a new place and excited about working on your clients with some more tools for your toolbox.

ImageLiz Hoffmaster, PT, RMT, graduated with a degree in Physical Therapy from UT Medical Branch in Galveston in 1991 and from the Austin School of Massage Therapy in 1999. For the last 15 years she has been working full-time with a variety of patients and clients with musculoskeletal, visceral, breathing and lymphatic problems. She uses a combination of the following techniques to address patient’s needs and concerns: Craniosacral Therapy through Upledger Insitute, URSA Foundation, Michigan State University and Steve Davidson DO, Muscle Energy, Strain Counterstrain, Lymphatic Drainage, Body Talk, Visceral Manipulation, Zero Balancing, Neurofascial Release, Myofascial Release, Primary Reflex Release Technique, Breathing Re-education, Manual Therapies targeting Women’s Health and Muscle Pattern Re-education.