Zero Balancing Expanded – Addressing the Skull (REGISTRATION CLOSED , WALK-INS WELCOME)
Zero Balancing Expanded - Addressing the Skull
Judith Sullivan
Thurs - Sunday, November 1-4
Thurs: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Fri & Sat: 9am - 6pm
Sun: 9am - 3pm
25CEs - $795**
About the Workshop:
- Tuition in Full
- Note-taking supplies
- ZP Pillow or towel for head support
- Loose, Comfortable Clothing
- A light sweater or jacket is recommended as temperatures in meeting areas are sometimes difficult to control
About the Workshop:
Zero Balancing Expanded – Addressing the Skull (aka Secrets of the Skull”) was developed to help ZB practitioners use ZB principles when working with the skull. In this four-day course we will review skull anatomy and its relevance to ZB, and talk about different qualities we feel in the skull and their significance. In addition this class will provide an in-depth training of working on the mouth, case studies, and overall anatomy of the head, face, skull. Please bring your copy of Judith's book, Zero Balancing Expanded: The Attitude of Awaiting a Fish. This is the study guide - please read at least Chapter 5 before the class.
Prerequisite: minimally, the 50 hours of ZB I and II
You Will Learn:
- To determine which cranial sutures are energetically significant
- To find and evaluate sutures
- The value and experience of sliding fulcrums
- To use new cranial fulcrums
- How to engage "neighbor" bones to help those in trouble
- Ways to nestle with the skull and brain
- Fulcrums and holds for the mouth, teeth and jaw
- How the sacrum and ilium relate to the hyoid, head, mouth, brain
- To work with the "Key of the Keystone" (the relationship of the palatine to the sphenoid)
- How facial trauma affects the whole cranium
- Brain anatomy including the Hippocampus and Amygdala
“I’m blown away. It’s deepening my ZB and my subtle perception skills.” Susan Marie Lux, MT
“This will help many of my clients with stress, sleep, sinus and dizziness issues.”Johanna Alper, LAC
“I have been so inspired since your class! My work has improved noticeably and I am enjoying it more. It is so cool to see how things unfold under my fingers and to trust that. I really want to thank you and acknowledge all the work you’ve put in to develop the work. I’m really using the new Nod Yes, the C1 and Relationships, Separating the Egg/Underground River and Ear pulls. But more than that I am doing the thing where you contact the donkey and then sink and watch things unfold til they let you know they are done. Powerful! It’s helped me be more engaged and present and less in-my-head about the protocol and doing it like someone else said to.” Doren Day, LAC
“I think I have also been more willing to take risks in just using my touch differently.” J.J.
About the Instructor
Judith Sullivan, NCTMB, CST-D, CZB, with a background in speech pathology, has been a certified Instructor of the Zero Balancing Association since 1989, teaching Core 1 and 2, Alchemy of Touch, Geometry of Healing and Freely Moveable Joints. She developed Spirit of the Organs, ZB and Kids, Unlocking the Secrets of the Skull, and Fabulous Fulcrums for the Zero Balancing Health Association curriculum. Judith was an instructor for the Upledger Institute for 13 years— CranioSacral Therapy 1 and 2—and is Diplomate certified. She has been a student of Tai Chi for over 30 years and an instructor for the International School of Tai Chi Chuan since 1984. Judith is a skilled practitioner and an effective and exciting teacher. She is clear and precise, and makes learning fun. She has a deep understanding of how energy moves through the body, and how through deep listening and relaxation, we can most effectively balance the energy and the structure. She had her book Zero Balancing Expanded—The Attitude of Awaiting a Fish published in 2014 by the Upledger Institute Press. Judith lives in Charlottesville, VA. She enjoys being the Sherlock Holmes of the body!